Ok, mamas! I know it sounds so daunting, BUT this week we are focusing on ALL the kid stuff. This is an area that I haven’t been able to get a hold of because as we all know things pile up and with gifts and Christmas, toys and things just seem to accumulate so quickly. Here are the areas I am focusing on in my home: Toys & books, clothes and craft/art space.
My rules are: 1) If it’s broken and can’t be fixed, toss it. 2) If it’s not being used and I don’t see it being used soon, toss it or donate it.
So with those rules in mind, let’s get started!!!
T O Y S & B O O K S :
*Have designated places for toys* In our home, I do not keep toys in the bedrooms. They often make their way up there so I will try to gather everything that has found it’s way in their rooms and bring them back to our designated spaces. We have cabinets in our living room where things just tend to get shoved in (as you can see in the picture) so I purchased these bins at the Dollar Tree to organize toys. I organized with like items so that things will no longer get shoved into cabinets without a home. You can also label each bin to make sure your kids know where each toy goes when cleaning up. I don’t have readers yet, but once they are old enough I will probably label for Barbies, leggos, puzzles, etc. When it comes to books, if it cannot be taped or repaired, it’s getting tossed.
C L O T H E S :
This is a huge job, but there is nothing worse than digging through a ton of clothes in drawers that no longer fit your child or don’t even go with the season. Purge those drawers, mamas! Pull everything out and decide what will work for the season and what will not. Organize clothes by size and place anything that will not work for the season into bins according to size. If you don’t have bins, grab an empty diaper box and label it. Do the same with shoes. Wash any coats, hats and gloves so everything is clean and ready to be worn!
C R A F T & A R T S P A C E :
This space gets out of hand in our home. Papers everywhere, broken crayons and markers without caps…I just can’t handle! Call me crazy! A few tips for this area:
- Toss old art work. I have a shelf where I keep things for awhile and then I cycle through and throw things that are older if it is not something that is meaningful.
- Throw out dried up markers, broken crayons and scrap paper. Let me remind you that I am not a craft mom. I admire craft mamas so much because I just struggle with the mess of it all.
- If there are any particular things I don’t want my kids getting into regularly (paint, glue, glitter, beads, etc.) – I have a special bin and only pull those out for special occasions.
It seems like a lot this week and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get through each of these areas, but I am going to do my best! I hope that this gives you at least a couple of tips or some motivation to jump in and start organizing something in your home that needs spruced up! Don’t feel overwhelmed, just do what you can!
Thanks for joining me in Freshen Up for Fall!
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