Our girls have grown to love our bedtime routine of snuggling in for a Bible story and prayer as a family. It’s been a sweet time where we can all wind down from the day and do our best to end on a high note even if it wasn’t the easiest or best day we’ve had. We all know bedtime routine doesn’t always go smoothly, but we really try to prepare our minds and hearts for the next day. A day with new mercies and new beginnings!
We have been loving this Night Night Devotions book because unlike the other resources that I have shared, this one allows for much more interaction which I have been loving for my older children. Each devotion ends with a little prayer and a discussion question or activity. It’s been so much fun to watch their sweet childlike faith growing as we focus on God’s Word and His truths together.
Enter below for a chance to win a copy of your own!
If you’d like to purchase a copy as a gift or for your family, head on over to Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Night-Devotions-90-Bedtime/dp/1400208904
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